Hyper Scape
Player Abilities - “Hacks”
Timeframe: Sept 2018 - Jan 2020
Job title: Game Designer
Engine: In-house
As my first job in the industry I was quite excited to work with Ubisoft on big new IP.
My main responsibility was ‘Hacks’ ( aka. player abilities).
I was part of creating the concepting and integrating the design framework in conjunction with the gameplay director at the Ubisoft team.
During this period of time we created 9 hacks, and several others that were left in the prototype and other various stages of completion.
While some my design reasoning and framework were a bit overlooked in the later stages of development I’m still satisfied with the results and I think it’s safe to say that the hacks are satisfying to use.
Main Responsibilities
Set up creative design framework for player abilities
Help set up technical creation framework for player abilities
Ability ideation and prototyping
Ability tuning and control
Work on post-launch content.
What I learned
Improved my iterative process for creating a creative brief
Improved my communication skills
Learned how to navigate pitch and review meetings